Our Vertical Products

We have a unique portfolio, combining scale in prime locations with high attractiveness for advertisers. In the year 2022, 38% of our revenue came from the Transportation segment, followed by 33% from the Streets segment, 19% from the Buildings segment, and 9% from Shopping Malls. Furthermore, our inventory, consisting of approximately 65,000 panels, both digital and static, is divided as follows: 27,500 panels in Transportation, 30,000 panels in Elevators, 5,600 panels in Streets, and 1,800 panels in Shopping Malls.


4 major airports and  7 transport lines on rails in SP and RJ

Reach: Your brand in major transportation systems reaching diverse audiences.

Impact: Formats that follow journeys and greater flexibility for special projects.

Recurrence: the possibility of being present in your audience’s daily life while on the move.


The largest digital media operation in commercial and residential buildings.

Focus: Relevant content for people while they are waiting, creating more focus.

Targeting: Different audiences – such as families, decision-makers, and influencers, in addition to the B2B universe.

Geolocation: Strategic communication driving your campaign according to locations of interest.

Shopping centers

90-plus of the main shopping centers in Brazil

Reach: High flow of people with high purchasing power.

Targeting: Diverse audiences and profiles.

Mindset: Being present at a time when the audience wants even more products and services.


The largest media operation in newsstands in the country, on gables, billboards and more recently we began the TemBici media operation.

Coverage: presence in strategic points in cities for a new experience and brand presence.

Visibility: being on people’s journeys when they are more active and responsive.

Impact: high impact screens for your campaign to stand out and create more engagement.